Seeking Letter Writers

Seeking Letter Writers

The fragrance always remains in the hand that gives the rose. -Gandhi

Do you like to write short notes or make phone calls? Do you enjoy connecting with members? Some members of our congregation no longer find it easy to participate in the livelier aspects of our church community. They would still like to feel included and seen.

A newly formed Correspondence Club is a way to connect members with one another. If you enjoy writing notes occasionally or would like to receive them, contact Nicole or Sue Yates.

There are no-committee-meetings and it’s a do-it-when-you-are-able and as-often-as-you-like opportunity. We can provide you with cards and stamps as well as the contact information of folk to write to. Perhaps your ministry team, women’s group, men’s group, covenant circle would like to participate occasionally as a special project. The pleasure of connecting with one another is a joy and benefit for all involved.

by Sue Yates, Membership Development Team

ECAM Members Lobby Legislators in Interfaith Action Day

ECAM Members Lobby Legislators in Interfaith Action Day

Two Earth and Climate Ministry (ECAM) members (Ann Fletcher and Marilyn Mayers) participated in Faith Action Network’s Interfaith Action Day on February 8. They lobbied their state legislators (Districts 48 Bellevue and 5 Issaquah) to advance climate and environmental action and affordable housing. Faith Action Network (FAN) hosts this annual lobbying day, bringing different faith communities together to advocate for justice.

This year, morning workshops prepared attendees on specific legislative actions related to environmental justice & climate change, economic justice, immigrants and refugee rights, incarceration reform & accountability, housing, public safety, hunger and the social safety net and health care access. FAN also set up appointments with our own district legislators to talk with them about specific bills.

Already halfway through this short legislative session, some bills FAN supported had not made it through various committees and were dropped (notably proposals to create transparency for oil pricing, promote community solar, and addressing cumulative risk burden due to pollution). However, other bills were still in play that we urged legislators to support: if passed

  • HB1368/SB5437 will transition the state’s 12,000 diesel school buses to electric buses.
  • The Re-WRAP Act (HB2049/SB6005) will reduce plastic and packaging trash by focusing on producer responsibility and increasing curbside recycling.
  • Navigator for Energy Cost Savings and Access (HB1391) and Building Energy Labeling (HB 1433) will help households and communities identify needed home improvements and access subsidies to transition to cleaner energy.
  • Rent Stabilization (HB2144) will help retain affordable housing in our communities.

A citizen initiative (Initiative 2117) to repeal the Climate Commitment Act (CCA) was another important topic of discussion. CCA was a groundbreaking bill approved by our legislature in a previous session. Its multi-faceted initiatives are designed to boost our state toward significantly impacting climate change in the next decade.

Anyone can send a message to their legislator about these or other bills or issues at

Both Ann and Marilyn found participation in IFAD rewarding and encourage others to consider coming next year! We learned about the legislative process and challenges legislators face in trying to advance change. We also had a chance to meet with wonderful attendees from other faith traditions who share the same fundamental concern: to advocate for environmental and social justice. If you are curious, we’d be happy to talk with you about this legislative session and what you might expect by participating next year!

by Marilyn Mayers, ECAM

Winter Supplies Drive

Winter Supplies Drive

East Shore Kids Ministry is Partnering with Porchlight (formerly Congregations for the Homeless) for a Winter Supplies Drive for unhoused Men. Join us! Please bring all items to East Shore now through Sunday February 25th. Place in the donation box. Drop off hours are Sunday-Thursday 9:30-2:30 or by appointment. Questions? [email protected] 425-747-3780 x 104

Items Needed

  • Deodorant
  • Socks
  • Underwear
  • Hand Warmers
  • Winter Gloves
  • Beanies
  • Scarves
  • Crew Sweatshirts
  • Sweat Pants
  • Winter Coats
  • Toothpaste
  • Toothbrushes
  • Kleenex (Individual)
  • Flashlights
  • Men’s sizes Med to 4x; any color. NEW items only.

Canned Goods

  • ravioli
  • chili
  • pork and beans
  • vegetables
  • fruits and applesauce
Minister’s Message: Sacred Stitches

Minister’s Message: Sacred Stitches

When Jenny and I started to talk about the number of unfinished projects we had, we laughed as we recalled how many years it had been since we had started the projects. I shared that I had been carrying around an unfinished quilt for more than ten years.  I had started it in Massachusetts, packed it when we moved to California, and now here it was still in a box, put away just like many other things that I love to do but put aside because it seems that I just never have the time. 

How excited I had been when choosing the bright and whimsical fabric! How satisfying to learn how to sew a patchwork quilt, to marvel at the random yet beautiful configuration of the squares. What a novel way to “meditate” and lose myself in the humming of the sewing machine and the dance of the colors between my fingers. During the time I spent sewing, my mind felt free of worries, only focusing on keeping the fabric in place, replenishing the thread in the bobbin, and trying to keep the cats from running away with thimbles and thread spools. Then came a time to make big decisions that would lead to huge transitions. Finishing my doctoral dissertation and graduating, accepting a ministerial call in California, saying goodbye to my congregation, friends, and for the first time in my life,  living far away from my son. 

The unfinished quilt traveled across the country. There was no time for quilting when I was trying to get acclimated to a brand new life, a challenging solo ministry, getting to know my new congregation, helping my mother process this big transition, and finding ways for us to build community. The years went by and the quilt remained unfinished, out of sight but never out of mind. From time to time I would find it when looking for something else. I would touch the fabric, and quickly refold it and put it back in the box. 

So when Jenny and I started talking about unfinished projects and it being the beginning of a new year, I jokingly blurted out that we should get a group of people together to finish the projects that sat waiting for us in boxes. She said that it actually sounded like a good idea and that she would attend such a group. She had been working on a dress for three years and would feel encouraged to finally make those button holes! And that’s how “Sacred Stitches” got started. I started with an email to a few people that I thought would be interested. Then the email list grew and by the time we had our first meeting, about twenty people had responded asking to be added to the list. 

The day arrived when we would gather in the North Room. I took my sewing machine and the quilt to church. One by one people arrived and revealed their amazing projects. People joked that my sewing machine was “very quiet” and laughter erupted in the room. Having the quilt on my lap and a belly laugh was all I needed to feel the joy stirring in my heart. I spent most of the time  trying to get my rusty machine to work, and ended up sewing by hand. I delighted in holding the fabric once again (grateful that the moths had not found it), and took a moment to look around the table and feel the wonderful energy of so many creative people joyfully knitting, coloring, making cards, quilting blue stars, crocheting fluffy blankets and magical mermaids, embroidering green ferns, yellow flowers, and bright eyed orange foxes. It was truly a sacred moment that brought such joy to my heart! I felt as if in unfolding this unfinished quilt, I was unfolding too, now in the midst of a new community. 

That evening felt like an act of collective love made holy by our laughter, camaraderie, and connection. There was no judgment about how long it had been since we had started the project, or about forgetting how to thread the sewing machine, or the fact that the quilt intended for a baby now would probably be for a grandchild. I felt held in this circle even though I was meeting most for the first time. This was community building at its best! I can’t wait until our next meeting. In the meantime, I send you all my best wishes as we continue to unfold our story, to stitch together our dreams, and to realize that it is never too late to start again. Stitch by stitch, we are building the Beloved Community!

With Gratitude and Love, Rev. Maria Cristina


Do You Want to Join a Covenant Circle?

Do You Want to Join a Covenant Circle?

“People come to church longing for, yearning for, hoping for … a sense of roots, place, belonging, sharing and caring. People come to a church with a search for community, not committee.” — Glenn Turner

The Covenant Circle program deepens and broadens personal spiritual growth. A group usually consists of 8-10 members who meet, usually once every two weeks. Each meeting is focused on a spiritual or religious topic. The goals are to:

  • Listen and be listened to in a safe place
  • Learn about the mysteries of our world and our spiritual paths
  • Build new and deeper personal connections
  • Serve our community and the needs of one another
  • Maintain personal connections and a caring community

Each group has a facilitator who links the group to the minister. The minister provide overall guidance, recruit new members and establish new groups, and develop session plans.

Current Openings

We have a few Covenant Circles looking to add to their group.

  • 2nd & 4th Mondays, 12:30-2:00 p.m.: We meet in multi-platform format. We are all women in our 70s – 80s. We are beautiful, brilliant, kind, funny, spiritual, generous, etc etc.😉 and we bring sweets to enjoy together at our meetings! We do prefer only women.
  • 1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m.: We currently have 5 members (4 women and 1 man); both men and women are welcome. We rotate meetings at the homes of 3 of our members who live in Bellevue or sometimes do Zoom, depending on the weather and the current situation.

If you are interested in either group or starting a new Covenant Circle, contact Nicole Duff.

Why Join a Covenant Circle?

Here are just a few members sharing in their own words why they are in a Covenant Circle:

“I love our supportive and nurturing environment to explore our spirituality in a shared space & the deep relationships we build together through our sharing & topic discussions.”

“I enjoy Covenant Circle from the standpoint of sharing finding a topic each meeting. I also feel our group puts out topics that are topics to really think about. I also feel we have some great discussions on these topics.”


How do Covenant Circles work?

Ministry happens in the meetings, which focus on spiritual or religious topics through a process of deep listening and service projects. Topics that may be shared during meetings include: sacred places, perfection, mothers, community, living simply, music, and healing. Groups choose their own order, direction and pace. Service projects are expected from each group once a year. In general, projects tend to be ones that serve the church community or the local community, but they can be larger projects that reach beyond our church community.

What is expected of members?

Group members are expected to commit to regular meeting times and to practice deep listening. Deep listening is a way of focusing intently on what another person is saying without interruption or simultaneously formulating a response. Deep listening also gives an individual an opportunity to speak without interruption or comment.

What are Covenant Circle sessions like?

  • Opening Words: Gathering in, settling down, reminding participants of the special opportunity of the gathering, possibly reflecting the topic of the session. The meeting may begin with the lighting of a candle or a chalice.
  • Check-In: Participants share news of what has been happening in their lives. Each group develops its own customs as to the length of sharing. This portion of the meeting may expand from time to time when circumstances call for it.
  • Topic/Discussion: A paragraph or two lays out a topic and presents questions that will elicit thoughtful discussion and significant reflection. A group may stay with a topic several weeks or be done in one evening.
  • Check-Out: Likes and Wishes: This is an opportunity for feedback.
  • Closing Words: This brings the formal session to and end. Groups are encouraged to start and end on time.
Blossoming Community: We Need Your Contributions by February 4!

Blossoming Community: We Need Your Contributions by February 4!

“Happiness held is the seed; Happiness shared is the flower.”– John Harrigan

Join us for the Auction on March 16, 2024

Some fabulous offerings are already sprouting from the group, including a rare single malt scotch, a Ladies’ Afternoon Tea, and a TV Dinner and Game Night featuring a gourmet spin on the classic TV Dinner plus cocktails, wine, great food, and board games.

We invite every member and friend of East Shore to dig in, find your row to hoe, and participate in whatever way you can.  We’re especially looking for dinners and events we can do together to build community, but artwork, gift certificates, gift baskets and homemade food are also always popular.  Can your Covenant Circle or Book Group come up with a shared item to contribute?

We need your contributions no later than February 4.

To contribute an item to the auction, fill out our Contribution Form

OR if you want to offer an item you’ve offered before, just email Rachel Herbert, our catalog coordinator, or Auction Chair Amanda Strombom.

“Don’t wait for someone to bring you flowers. Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul.” – Luther Burbank