The MMIWP display was created earlier this year under the auspices of Carolyn DeFord, Puyallup tribal member and East Shore’s Women’s Perspective (WP) and Campus Aesthetics Team (CAT). “Invisible No More” is now being shared in the wider community. In April, shortly after the display at East Shore came down, CAT arranged to take the display to Mercer Island library where it was exhibited for more than a month.
Librarians assembled books related to indigenous women and other issues for children and adults to accompany the display. In June, the exhibit was moved to Issaquah public library where it was on display for the month. Librarians at both sites have indicated that the display has been well received and has generated curiosity and interest among library visitors. CAT members hope to bring the display to other sites in the community over the coming months. We are glad to have been able to extend the message Carolyn brought to us with the larger community, and she has expressed her thanks for our doing so. Congratulations, Carolyn!
by Marilyn Mayers, Campus Aesthetics Team