This year, the Mission Fund Drive will begin on March 1. This is the time to renew your pledges to East Shore to support our mission for 2021-2022. Please give generously, and from your hearts. It’s best to think of what East Shore means to you, and what that means financially. For more details and to pledge online, click here. Please return your pledge cards by March 31, either by mailing them in OR save time and paper by pledging online. Please take time to read the following message from our co-chairs Barb Clagett and John Chmaj:
What a year this has been! One year ago, we were preparing for our Mission Fund Drive and the year ahead. Plans were made for BBQs, coffee hours, events and worship all in person on our beautiful campus. Then, in the middle of our campaign, we closed the buildings to keep our beloved community safe. We quickly transitioned online and continuing to find ways to connect via Zoom, phone calls, and even some small, outdoor in-person events (with masks and social distancing!).
This year, we have come together in a new way, strengthening many relationships and building new ones. We love the daily check-ins led by members and the small coffee-hour rooms with a different group each Sunday. East Shore came together in large numbers for the flash stances following the death of George Floyd, and made efforts to call and send postcards to each and every member. Thanks to East Shore members and friends, more than 20,000 voters in battleground states were reminded of the democratic process and encouraged to vote in the presidential election and Georgia Senate run-off election. We surpassed a new record in collections to the auction Fund-A-Need and were able to start up our COVID Food Relief Project with a bang. East Shore has shown each of us and the world that we are a strong, beloved community.
Now, looking forward, we can’t help but think of HOW we will transition to this new way of being in community. As more and more of us are able to get vaccinated and buildings are allowed to open, we can’t help but get excited for the idea of East Shore once again opening its doors. While we may not be able to know when we will be back, we can plan for how it will look like and what we will need. What would it look like to have hybrid meetings with some members in person, while others can call in from home or away? This idea would increase accessibility to groups and classes, allowing more members, visitors, and friends to participate. Members would no longer need to skip services when out of town, if they are ill, or just don’t want to get out of their cozy pajamas. What does returning to campus look like? We want to make sure the building can be safe, with clean surfaces and new procedures to help keep our beloved community healthy for years to come. We want YOU to be healthy and feel welcomed for years to come.
These changes will help East Shore continue to grow both in numbers and in love. Increasing accessibility, inclusivity, and visibility will take us into the future. As you think about your pledge this year, we hope you will think about what YOU want for the future of East Shore and that you are inspired to give generously. We want to encourage you to sign up for automatic withdrawal and to consider becoming a Sustainable Member. Each year, your donations will increase by a percent you choose, to help keep up with increase in costs. East Shore is stronger now in new ways and will continue to grow stronger in the future.
With love for our beloved East Shore community,
John Chmaj & Barb Clagett
by Nicole Duff, Director of Membership Development