by Amanda Uluhan, RE Programs Coordinator
From September 23, 2018 through May 19, 2019, we will offer R.E. children and youth programs at the same time as our 9 and 11 a.m. services. Parents and guardians, please register your child or youth for religious education programming. This is essential to our programming and ensures that care providers receive information about classes, weekly emails, and timely updates. For information about scholarships contact Reverand Stephen Furrer.
Sunday morning programs
Children and youth are invited to attend one of the following Sunday morning R.E. programs, offered concurrently with the Sanctuary worship service.
9 a.m. Children & Youth Program: Spring Hall
Each Sunday morning in Spring Hall, we will offer an innovative 9 a.m. program, to be run concurrently with the Sanctuary worship service. Children and youth meet in a multi-age setting to explore the principles through play and practice. We integrate worship, ritual, songs & music, story, and curriculum activities to provide a meaningful way to build community and explore spirituality, together. Children ages 4 or 5 through high school will have opportunities to enhance self-confidence, nurture multi-generational relationships, and ask important questions. If this program doesn’t suit you, we’re excited about finding opportunities for East Shore youth to connect with other East Shore ministries, including media, coffee, ushering, and greeting.
11 a.m. Children and Youth Programs: Upstairs in the Education Building
Our 11 a.m. programs will run concurrently with our 2nd service, in the upstairs of the Education building. They will be aged-based groups using the Unitarian Universalist Tapestry of Faith curriculum. K-1, 2-3, 4-5, and Middle and High school youth group will all meet during our 11am service.
How are parents and guardians asked to participate?
Our R.E. classes are all volunteer-lead. Our staff support volunteer congregants, providing training, assistance, and preparation for the classes. Parent/guardian volunteers are asked to help four times each church year, with classroom, prep, or special events.
Please find out more information about our programs at