Book Communion

East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA, United States

Just like flower communion but with books! Bring a book, take a book.
We're inviting a couple of people to participate in the service by reading a passage from their favorite book. Interested?

Annual Pride Service

East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA, United States

World-famous drag chanteuse Arnaldo will be performing and sharing on this exuberant, uplifting and informative service. We will be addressing the conservative backlash against drag performers and trans people, with action plans of what we can do to combat these dangerous and deadly bills. But above all, this service will be a joyful celebration of who we are!

Senior Youth and RE Bridging

East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA, United States

Join us for East Shore's annual UU Children and Youth Bridging worship. It is an amazing ritual and worship for everyone in your family to join in on. It's also a special Sunday to thank the amazing adults who help to mentor and provide ministry to our children and youth each and every Sunday. We'll be featuring voices from our community and saying our blessings and gratitude to one another. All are welcome!

Love at the Center

East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA, United States

In just days, delegates at the General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations will vote on whether or not to continue the bylaw revision process that has been underway since 2020. The proposed changes to Article II of the bylaws, which contains the seven principles, are an attempt to articulate the values that Unitarian Universalists hold today. With love at its center, this new proposal offers up the opportunity for us to have a deeper conversation about what Unitarian Universalism looks like today. Returning guest preacher Karishma Gottfried will join us virtually from Pittsburgh as they prepare for General Assembly to lead us into a conversation about what a Unitarian Universalism with love at its center might look like.

Live from General Assembly

East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA, United States

Log in and join the service live from General Assembly in Pittsburgh. Note the time difference. There will be no in person gathering this day.

A Partnership to Treasure: Our Khasi Unitarian Family Celebration

East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA, United States

For over a dozen years, East Shore has been privileged to be of service to several Unitarian communities in the Khasi Hills of Northeast India. Together we have built a strong partnership of mutual commitment to youth education, Unitarian values, and strong personal relationships. Come join us for a celebration of this unique and compelling example of cross-cultural collaboration and fellowship with our Khasi family. Featured will be a LIVE VIDEO VISIT from a primary Khasi Unitarian minister and community leader visiting the US for GA this year. Music by John Chmaj and Barb Clagett.

Crafting a Ritual of Joy

East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA, United States

In a world filled with busyness and distractions, it is all too easy to overlook the importance of intentional celebration and the nourishment it brings to our spirits. Let us gather to explore the power of creating rituals of joy in our lives. Led by JeKaren Olaoya.

Book Communion

East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA, United States

Just like flower communion but with books! Bring a book, take a book.
We're inviting a couple of people to participate in the service by reading a passage from their favorite book. Interested?

Designing Space for the Possibility of Grace

East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA, United States

Creative ideas are born in unexpected places. Yet their birth holds genius and magic in it. Join us as we explore together the collective possibilities for grace-filled wonder and transformation.

Lammas and Lughnasadh

East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA, United States

Join the Salish Sea CUUPs (Covenant of UU Pagans) as we celebrate Lammas and Lughnasadh, or the first harvest. This is a family-friendly celebration. We will celebrate with ritual, music and dancing. Bring with you what you have harvested from your garden, from your relationships, and in your life. Join us as we turn the wheel of the year.

The Eternal Now

East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA, United States

When we settle into the present moment - truly open ourselves to being present - we begin to realize that each moment of 'now' is its own eternity. This service will include several guided mindfulness meditations, and will focus on the Four Eternal Qualities: Loving-kindness, Compassion, Joy and Equanimity.

Joy & Justice, Amen

East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA, United States

We all want so badly to make a difference, to fight for liberation and transformation. We are all so very tired and life is complicated! How do we find joy and satisfaction? How do we fit our commitment to justice among the many other things that need doing? Let’s explore the possibility of sustainable and joyful liberation and transformation, in our lives and our communities. Join us to engage the intersection of Joy and Justice.

Poverty Does Not Define Your Soul

East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA, United States

What is poverty? Who are the poor? Does wealth truly define us? What does 'wealth' mean in the grand scheme of things? Swapnesh Dubey - Indian film-maker, television host, producer, actor and LGBTQ activist shares his experience living with and near some of the poorest people on the planet.

Celebrating our Indigenous Connections

East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA, United States

Join the East Shore Indigenous Connections Team as we share what we have learned while building relationships with our indigenous neighbors. We will also honor two UU women who have worked tirelessly to connect and inspire us and other UUs to engage with indigenous communities and the issues that impact them. Please join us for a potluck after the service. Everyone is welcome!

Labor Day

East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA, United States

A celebration of live music and poetry readings – Don’t miss this Labor Day Sunday service centered on social justice and HOPE. Come and be inspired! Rev. Maria Cristina preaches