East Shore Ruins… Racism (pt 2)

Online Event

Part 2 of the racism discussion Adam will discuss how the suburbs and gun control feed off systemic racism. Plus, how America created the “model minority” and the harm it does. Special guests from East Shore’s Pathway to the Eighth Principle group.

Seed Sowing at Food Bank Farm

Join together sowing seeds - pumpkin, winter squash, cauliflower, cabbage and broccoli for the Bank – the Food Bank, that is. It's a chance to get outside, and off the screen, enjoying the fresh air, learning about food growing and how far generosity can go! Farmer Jim says sowing seeds is suitable for children with supervision, youth, families, adults....everyone!

Spring Pageant: Uniquely UU

Online Event

Join East Shore children and youth for a Spring Pageant, this time, virtual! We’re pleased to present to you all a fun-filled morning learning about Unique Unitarian Universalists. Who from our past, present, and future can help us uncover the mysteries and gifts of our faith? And who among us is a Unique UU? Are you?? Children and youth of the congregation are invited to participate in some live and several pre-recorded segments of this worship.

Tips for Tomato Growing

Online Event

Would you like to grow tomatoes more successfully in the Northwest? We will share our accumulated learnings over 42 years of vegetable gardening locally. Topics will include tomato varieties, location selection, soil preparation, planting schedule, weed and pest control, watering, pruning, harvesting and recipes! Participants will be able to pre order tomato plants from the annual P-Patch sale in early May.

Budget Town Halls 2021

Online Event

Come learn about the proposed 2021-22 Operating Budget. We will review the numbers, answer questions, and listen to member comments. This is an important step in developing our annual operating budget that we will vote on in June. Members of the Budget Team, Finance Team, and Financial Stewardship Committee will be attending to help answer your questions.

Experiencing the Sacred in Everyday Life

Online Event

Some of the best storytellers from the past were those who needed to call upon a prophetic vision for hope and justice in dire circumstances. Our country faces equally dire circumstances today, especially around eco-justice. Join us as we explore creative ways to envision a more promising narrative for America grounded in the moral imagination around race, gender, ecology and theology.

ANSWER Nepal Update Luncheon

12700 Southeast 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA, United States

What’s going on in Nepal? If you are the sponsor of a Nepali student now going through the ANSWER program, you’d probably like to know. Let’s find out together!

Plant Sale 2021

East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA, United States

Does your garden need some plants? Our annual plant start sale has gone virtual! Starting April 19, look in the eblast for a catalog of what is available. Place your "order" by April 26th and pick up at the church the first week of may! Plants available will include: tomatoes, dahlia tubers and a few other veggies.

Meaningful Movies Bellevue: Seeding Change

Online Event

Meaningful Movies Bellevue Presents RGB. Join us for an evening of tribute for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who created a breathtaking legal legacy for women’s rights while becoming an unexpected pop-culture icon. The personal journey of this diminutive, quiet warrior’s rise to the nation’s highest court during a hostile time for women, is revealed in this inspiring and multi-dimensional portrait.

Soul Saturday: May 2021

East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA, United States

Come help with East Shore’s garden.  Plant seeds, veggie starts, and perennials being relocated from the old P-Patch.  We will practice safe health precautions by wearing masks and distancing.


Online Event

How to be reconciled? With ourselves? Our family? Our fellow citizens? And is reconciliation always a virtue, or are there some betrayals so egregious that they brook no repair?

Building a Culture of Understanding

Online Event

Join us for an opportunity to experience Restorative Practice! This practice supports a culture in which we come together to share and hear about people’s perspectives on key issues before they become sources of conflict and hurt. Members of the Right Relations Team are presenting an explanation and demonstration from 10 to 11:30 on Saturday, May 8. Come and learn and lend your voice to ways the process can work better, and share applications you envision for this process. Together, we can turn differences of opinion into a source of creativity, vitality and deeper understanding.

Memories of Mother

Online Event

Rev. Furrer preaching on the Greek myth of Demeter and Persephone to illustrate some of the attributes good motherhood calls for, and calls out of all parents. With a few memories of his late mom.

Grief GroUUp

Online Event

Grief GroUUp
Wednesdays, May 12 & June 9, 4:00-5:30 pm
Rev. Furrer and Milly Mullarky are convening a Grief GroUUp we suspect may interest some of our membership and help meet their current emotional needs. These are people who have recently lost a loved one and are in various stages of grief. You or someone you know might benefit from a supporting/listening/caring small group where we can offer ourselves to one another, including insights and strategies gleaned, and shoulders upon which to cry.

ECAM: The New Climate War

Online Event

Would you like to learn more about climate politics and reality? Come join a group to discuss the book, “The New Climate War: The Fight to Take Back our Planet” by Michael Mann, distinguished professor of atmospheric science at Penn State. The book explains what has brought us to this point and how to address the systemic issues fueling climate change. We'll invite some guests who can speak to possible solutions and offer hope! Let's learn how we can fight on behalf of the planet! Come share your thoughts with us!