UU Sources

Online Event

A six-part Adult RE series investigating each of the six sources of authority outlined in the Unitarian Universalist Association covenant. As it says in the Purposes and Principles statement, “the living tradition we share draws from many sources...”

What is Leadership?

Online Event

As ESUC begins its nearly two years of search for your next Minister, It will be good to consider styles of leadership and what style you think will fit most comfortably and serve most ably among you. Notes on George Patton, Abraham Lincoln, Rev Violet Kochendoerfer, and servant leadership as conceived by Robert Greenleaf and others.

East Shore Ruins… Racism

Online Event

As East Shore continues to grow in our understanding and dismantling of white supremacy culture, we invite you to hear what Adam can bring our attention to. How is everything from the illegalization of weed, use of SWAT teams, and private prisons are all seeped in systemic racism. Special guests from East Shore’s Pathway to the Eighth Principle group. This is part 1 of two on racism.

Growth Within and Around East Shore

Online Event

Have you contemplated the value of growing the number of East Shore members, or the value of growth of our own individual and collective spirit(s) and awareness? Have you been curious about what others in our community have thought as well? How do we get where we want to go?

Spring Equinox Soul Saturday

East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA, United States

You're invited! Join us in celebrating the Spring Equinox on our beautiful East Shore Campus. Sign up to come to East Shore' March Soul Saturday Festival - a COVID safe, drive-thru only option for saying hi and connecting with our church community.

Parables of Zen

Online Event

Unitarian Universalism’s Third Source reads “Wisdom from the world’s religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life.” Reverend Furrer will consider what the simplicity and directness of Zen Buddhism has to offer us in the way of insight and deep meaning.

Nature Walks: Oceans

Online Event

We’ve all had powerful, sometimes transformative experiences of Nature, in our own explorations, with family and friends, any time we get a chance to get out and get into rhythm with our natural world. Nature Walks offer an opportunity for us to convene virtually and share experiences of many of the energies and environments that move us.

Meaningful Movies Bellevue: The Condor and The Eagle

Online Event

Join us in March for a screening of The Condor and The Eagle. Never-before-seen images expose the global rise of land and water protectors across the Americas. Four Indigenous women embark on an extraordinary trans-continental adventure from the Canadian plains to deep into the heart of the Amazonian jungle. An award-winning documentary, The Condor and The Eagle features these Indigenous leaders uniting the peoples of North and South America and deepening the meaning of “Climate Justice.” Their path through the jungle takes them on an unexpectedly challenging and liberating journey, which will forever change their attachment to the Earth and one another

Fourth Wednesday Book Club: Still LIfe

Online Event

Chief Inspector Armand Gamache of the Surêté du Québec and his team of investigators are called in to the scene of a suspicious death in a rural village south of Montreal. Jane Neal, a local fixture in the tiny hamlet of Three Pines, just north of the U.S. border, has been found dead in the woods. The locals are certain it's a tragic hunting accident and nothing more, but Gamache smells something foul in these remote woods, and is soon certain that Jane Neal died at the hands of someone much more sinister than a careless bowhunter.

Backpack Meals for Kids

Bellevue Bellevue, WA, United States

Join East Shore’s COVID Food Relief project, partnering with Backpack Meals for Kids on Thursday March 25 at the Bellevue School District Warehouse starting at 8:30 am. Each session, we pack nearly 850 snack packs for PreK children to be able to feed themselves easily at home.

East Shore Outdoors Youth Adventures

12700 Southeast 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA, United States

On the last Saturday of every month, in February, March, April and May, join us for outdoor Saturday youth adventures. Each month will feature a different activity at a different location. And, on the second Sunday of each month, from 6-7pm, there will be an online planning session with volunteers and participants to get ready as a team. We ask that all interested youth attend the planning session. We'll talk about equipment requirements, transportation, location, meals, and such. These events are open to any youth in our immediate and extended community, so you can invite a friend whether they've been to East Shore forever or haven't been yet.

Passover: Breaking Through to Freedom

Online Event

The story of Passover is one of having the chutzpa to allow for grace. Rev. Furrer on Moses, courage, and the path to liberation, then and now.


Online Event

UUs don’t typically get much out of Easter, but the promise of finding common ground on some higher level (reconciliation) is alluring to everyone who has ever felt bereft, or broken, or estranged. Can it be?


Online Event

Mohammad was born in 570 AD in Mecca and began having visions at age 40. Eventually, he wrote them down: the Koran. Today we consider the month-long holiday of Ramadan, an integral part of Islam.

The History and Archaeology of the Bible

Online Event

The class takes a journey through the Bible from Genesis to the Crucifixion, seen through the lens of the latest historical and archaeological findings. The course uses the latest archeological and histories findings to examine the seminal books of the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament) such as Genesis, Exodus, Prophets, Kings, and Samuel, as well as core events of the New Testament; it follows the arc of ancient civilization, reflecting on the majestic empires of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, Persia, Greece, and Rome.