With the current political turmoil in our country, it has been hard to focus on what to do. The Climate Action Ministry (CAM) is keeping the fire for climate action burning at East Shore — no matter what is happening in our national politics. Global “weirding” (to quote Thomas Friedman) will only get more weird until we significantly reduce carbon pollution.
We continue to hold our Climate Awakening Breakfast on the third Sunday of the month in Spring Hall, publish twice a month a list of current climate action items, and act on multiple fronts to get our society to reduce carbon pollution. Some of the recent actions we have taken include:
¨ Participating in the Jan. 21 Womxn’s March
¨ Writing letters opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline at Standing Rock
¨ Writing comment letters in opposition to the proposed Kalama gas-to-methanol refinery (which would be the largest in the world)
¨ Supporting climate-action-related bills in the 2017 Washington legislature session
¨ Writing letters-to the-editor in support of climate action
¨ Helping plan the Pacific Northwest Regional Conference of Citizens’ Climate Lobby
You can get convenient guidance on what are currently the most effective opportunities in our Climate Action Updates, posted on the CAM website and in our emails.
Upcoming activities include:
¨ Hosting a Climate Awakening Breakfast on March 19 and April 16
¨ Working with the Economic Justice, and Beloved Racial Justice teams on a joint event
¨ Planning for a CAM service at East Shore on April 23
¨ Expanding the content of the CAM webpage
Putting our efforts into timely actions as they arise on the local, regional, and national fronts.