State Legislature Needs to Hear from You!

State Legislature Needs to Hear from You!

Are you overwhelmed with emails asking you to act on legislative proposals? Or do you want a way to easily voice your opinion about important bills?

I have found that the 350 WA Civic Action Team (CAT) twice a week emails spot on in providing an easy way to take a few actions that only take 5-10 minutes of your time.  The bi-weekly email  lists the bills with top priority for the week—many because are deadlines for comments. After the brief explanation of the bill, click on a link to register your Pro or Con position on a bill. You may add a comment, but it is not required.

350WA says: “We recognize that folks don’t always have time to get all the way through our actions, and that is okay! Every little bit helps. Like last year, we’re indicating actions as having different priorities, in order to make it easier for you to allocate your time. We just ask that you get through as many sections as you can and then scroll to the bottom and click the orange “Done” button to submit. This way we can keep an accurate tally of how many actions the CAT campaign takes this session.

We’re thrilled you are with us; together we can have a significant impact in making our state a leader in climate action and social justice!”

Here is the link to join the CAT:

by Kristi Weir, Chair, Earth & Climate Action Ministry Team

E Ala E Mural At East Shore

E Ala E Mural At East Shore

East Shore is blessed to receive and display the “E Ala E” Mural in the Sanctuary. It is the culmination of a collaborative process between Guatemalan Social Artist, Melanie Schambach, and hundreds of contributors across the country. East Shore members and friends painted parts of the Mural as it accompanied the Red Road to DC Totem Pole journey over the summer, 2021.

We invite you to view the Mural accompanied by photographs and explanatory materials in the Sanctuary. The mural will be on display at East Shore through October, 2022. Don’t miss it!

For more information about the project as a whole, go to Melanie Schambach’s website:

For those who would like to try their hand at coloring some of the images, please note that Melanie has generously offered a free coloring book and coloring sheets available at her website:

Remove federal dams on lower Snake River!!

Remove federal dams on lower Snake River!!

According to Washington Environmental Council: “The Snake River has been named America’s #1 Most Endangered River of 2021.

Once the largest salmon producer in the Columbia River Basin, today Snake River salmon runs are at the brink of extinction. The loss of salmon is a crisis for the entire web of life, from black bears to Southern Resident killer whales. It is also an existential threat to Northwest tribes who depend on the fish for their cultures and identities.

The report from American Rivers points to the urgent need for lawmakers and communities to come together to develop a comprehensive economic revitalization plan that not only invests in salmon recovery and honors national obligations to Native American tribes while investing in clean energy, agriculture, technology, and tourism. “

Keep abreast  of actions you can take :

  1. Sign up for the newsletter from “Save our Wild Salmon”.
  2. Sign up for ECAM’s Action email list by emailing Amanda Strombom. [email protected]

This is a critical year. A draft report by Gov. Inslee and Sen. Murray has shown that there are reliable alternatives to current services of the dams (irrigation, transportation, and electricity). While it will be costly to replace the services, not removing the dams will have  catastrophic consequences for the chinook salmon population and the orca as well as recreationists and Northwest tribes. We will also save the billions we have spent on the salmon recovery  which have failed to save the Chinook.

Kristi Weir, Earth and Climate Action Ministry Team

ECAM endorses People for Climate Action

ECAM endorses People for Climate Action

People for Climate Action’s (PCA)mission is to help local governments develop and implement comprehensive climate action plans to reach the greenhouse gas reduction targets set by the King County-Cities Climate Collaboration(K4C),  which include a 50% reduction by 2030.

People for Climate Action has created a comprehensive workbook that lists and prioritizes climate actions designed to help cities develop or strengthen their climate action plans.

Visit PCA’s website to:

  1. Sign up as a PCA member so you can receive  newsletters and invitations to events.
  2. Join a local PCA group in your city and become an active participant.
  3. Review the Resources page to see past recorded events or to download a free guide for ways to reduce your carbon footprint.

Our own Ann Fletcher is  a leader in PCA Issaquah. Other ECAM members are active in Bellevue PCA.  There are PCA’s in 14 King County cities. Join others in lobbying your city to do more to address climate change.

Below is an important upcoming event in Bellevue.

PCA Bellevue’s Urgent Call to Action: All hands-on-deck for this critical “make a difference” workshop with keynote speaker, Bellevue City Councilmember Janice Zahn

Saturday, June 4, 9:30-10:30am

Why is this event so important? Bellevue isn’t doing enough. The climate won’t wait. The next few months will make or break the commitment to cut greenhouse gas emissions 50% by 2030.


Register in advance for this free event. After registering, you’ll get a confirmation email with information about joining the meeting.


New Climate Action Email List

New Climate Action Email List

Many people want to take small actions to help with Climate Justice, but they can’t cut through the mountains of emails, Facebook posts or other announcements to decide what is most important to do. The Earth and Climate Action Ministry team (ECAM) is here to help!

We have set up a new email list – [email protected] where members can circulate specific actions that you can take right now. These will vary from things you can do to reduce your own carbon footprint to advocacy opportunities (e.g. write or call your state or city representatives) to volunteer opportunities (e.g. help plant some trees). Each email will contain only one action that you can do, so that you won’t miss a bunch if you miss one email.

If you care about the planet, and our impact on it, and you want simple actions without long explanations, email Amanda Strombom, [email protected], and she’ll add you to the list. You can unsubscribe at any time.

by Kristi Weir, Chair

ECAM Joins with UUCAT

ECAM Joins with UUCAT

Three members of the  University Unitarian Climate Action Team (CAT) joined ECAM at its March monthly meeting. It was refreshing and invigorating to make a connection with another UU climate team and share our varied and similar interests and activities.

While CAT is working with tree groups in Seattle, ECAM is working on Trees on the east side.  We liked CAT’s experience  of tree walks to get congregants involved.

Both climate teams have been involved in GOTV and lobbying for climate and environmental legislation.

We plan to keep connected to let each other know of scheduled events or of events we might do together. It was comforting and energizing to know there are others striving to make a difference.