ECAM Update on Climate Bills

ECAM Update on Climate Bills

There was a great legislative session for climate and environmental bills! Here are a few stand outs.

HB 1220: This bill will update the Growth Management Act to address WA’s housing crisis by working to end discrimination in our housing policies and plan for affordable housing. ECAM endorsed Washington Can’t Wait push to past this legislation.

HB 1091: Clean Fuel Standard. The state’s new fuel standards will slowly lower the amount of heat-trapping greenhouse gasses coming out of vehicle tailpipes through 2035.

The Climate Commitment Act: a market-based Cap and Trade Program would set a statewide “cap/credit” on greenhouse gas emissions that steadily shrinks over time. Companies must reduce their GHG emissions or buy credits from companies whose emissions are below their cap. The total number credits/cap would shrink each year, increasing the price of pollution, incentivizing use on non-fossil fuels.

by Kristi Weir, chair

ECAM: The New Climate War

ECAM: The New Climate War

The Earth & Climate Action Ministry and Citizens Climate Lobby/Bellevue invite you to a virtual book discussion group on Thursdays, May 13 and 27th, 5:00-6:30.

Would you like to learn more about climate politics and reality?  Come join a group to discuss the book, “The New Climate War:  The Fight to Take Back our Planet” by Michael Mann, distinguished professor of atmospheric science at Penn State.  The book explains what has brought us to this point and how to address the systemic issues fueling climate change. We’ll invite some guests who can speak to possible solutions and offer hope!  Let’s learn how we can fight on behalf of the planet!  Come share your thoughts with us!

by Kristi Weir, Chair

F.I.R.E. Interfaith Dinner: April 11

F.I.R.E. Interfaith Dinner: April 11

East Shore’s Earth & Climate Action Ministry Team invites all to attend the Fostering Interfaith Relationships on the Eastside (FIRE) 16th Interfaith Dialogue on Sunday, April 11, 6:30-8:00 p.m. This Dialogue will be conducted online using Zoom conferencing. For access to the Dialogue, please register.

The topic for this Dialogue is “Climate Change and Stewardship of the Earth: How Does Your Faith or Belief Guide You”. The event features a panel discussion among representatives from many world religions including Baha’i, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Native American, Unitarianism, Wicca, and Zoroastrianism, and stimulating interfaith discussions among all participants.

As the event approaches, all attendees will receive the link to the Zoom conference by email, along with instructions on how to connect online and by phone and how to navigate the conference.

300 Trees Give Away

300 Trees Give Away

On March 6, East Shore’s Earth & Climate Action Ministry members joined with other volunteers to help 300 Trees, a local environmental group, distribute about 250 trees free of charge to Bellevue residents. The aim is to help the city of Bellevue reach its goal of increasing tree canopy coverage to 40%. Native trees such as Douglas fir, shore pine, cascara, vine maple, California hazelnut and western red cedar were given away free to encourage residents to act for the climate and conservation.

If you are interested in helping wildlife and combating climate change, consider planting trees in your yard! Increasing tree canopy will help your city become cleaner, greener, and healthier. We hope to sponsor another Tree Give Away in the fall so keep your eyes out for that!

After, we received this message from Don Marsh, Co-founder, 300 Trees

Thank you very much for allowing 300 Trees to use the church parking lot for our March 6 tree giveaway for Bellevue residents!

With the assistance of our volunteers, including quite a few from your church, we were able to distribute over 250 trees in an efficient and safe way (masked and socially distanced).  By our accounting, this event was five times bigger than our first event last fall.  Over 100 recipients were grateful to receive their trees, and three Bellevue council members (Deputy Mayor Jared Nieuwenhuis, Janice Zahn, and Conrad Lee) came to observe how it was going.  Enhancing and preserving Bellevue’s native tree canopy is something everyone can love!

We are so grateful for all the good things your church does for our community.

Earth & Climate Action Ministry (ECAM) Activities in March Reflect Our Mission

Earth & Climate Action Ministry (ECAM) Activities in March Reflect Our Mission

The Earth and Climate Action Ministry (ECAM) provides programs for the congregation about our earth.

Nature Walks: Tuesdays, March 9 & 23, 7:00 pm

Don’t miss the last two in our series “Nature Walks”: Gregg Selby on “Deserts” at 7:00 pm on March 9, and with Marilyn Mayers on “Oceans” at 7:00 pm on March 23.

Advocate for Government Policies to Protect Our Earth

There are many climate-related bills this legislative session. Since all legislative meetings are virtual, it is easier to make your voice heard. For climate-related bills, we suggest you sign up for action alerts from 350WA. You will get a weekly email with suggestions for bills to comment on and clear instructions on how to comment. Don’t feel you have to comment on all. Here is the link to join the Civic Action Team Alert.

Faith Action Network Advocacy Day

Faith Action Network (of which East Shore is a member) held its Interfaith Advocacy Day on February 11 via Zoom. This was an opportunity to meet with Washington State legislators. Several ESUC members (including ECAM’s Marilyn Mayers) met with their representatives and advocated for bills addressing criminal justice reform, economic issues, voting rights and climate change.

Collaborate with Other Environmental Groups

On Saturday, March 6th, ECAM will host 300 Trees as they distribute pre-ordered trees for planting in Bellevue. 300 Trees is committed to helping Bellevue become a greener, cleaner, and healthier city. Each fall and spring, 300 Trees will provide free native trees to people and organizations in Bellevue. Parts of the city where trees are less abundant will be prioritized.

by Kristi Weir, Chair

ECAM Supports Free Tree Pick Up

ECAM Supports Free Tree Pick Up

Would you like to improve your neighborhood and help Bellevue increase its tree canopy?

A new non-profit organization, 300 Trees, is offering six kinds of native trees at no cost to Bellevue residents.  The different species are deciduous or evergreen, small or tall, and preferring shade or sun.

Residents can order up to two trees on the 300 Trees website,, for pickup on Saturday, March 6, at East Shore Unitarian Church. Pickup will be by appointment to limit crowding, and masks will be required of both volunteers and tree recipients. There are a limited number of trees available for this spring giveaway, although a waitlist will be available for anyone who would still like to receive a tree in the fall. Planting instructions and tree care guidelines will be provided.

Besides residential properties, 300 Trees is working with Bellevue schools, churches, and shared housing complexes to increase tree canopy. 300 Trees is also planning neighborhood-wide plantings starting this fall. For more information about how to get involved with any of the above or to learn about supporting 300 Trees in other ways, please visit or contact 300 Trees at [email protected].